White tuna
Also known as Albacore Tuna, Thunnus Alalunga or Albacore is the most valued tuna species for its texture and mild flavor.

It is the highest quality fish in the tuna family.
Location: Bay of Biscay.
Dates: June-October.
Type: One by one with hook.
Flesh: White and tender.
Flavor: Mild.
Texture: Juicy.
Canned: Industrial format and case for family consumption. In jars: For hostelry and domestic use.
Doctors and nutritionists recommend the consumption of White Tuna, due to its high Omega-3 content.
The best specimens of White Tuna
We commonly call it “Bonito del Norte” because it is caught in the Bay of Biscay in the Cantabrian Sea. It is a seasonal fish that is caught during the fishing season, also called “Cantabrian Coast” or “Bonito Coast”.
In order to maintain the quality and texture of the bonito as much as possible and also to improve the sustainability of our seas, tuna is fished mostly with hooks, one by one, using traditional fishing gear.
Una de las diferencias más fáciles de detectar frente otras especies de túnidos como el atún claro o el atún rojo, es que esta especie, además de ser de un tamaño más pequeño (30-100cm aproximadamente), tiene una aleta dorsal muy larga que destaca con respecto a su tamaño (de ahí su nombre científico).
Want to know more about White Tuna? Check out these articles: