Return policy
In the cases in which the User acquires products on or through the Website of the owner, he/she is entitled to a series of rights, as listed and described below:
Right of Withdrawal
The User, as a consumer and user, makes a purchase on the Website and therefore has the right to cancel the purchase within 14 calendar days without justification.
This withdrawal period shall expire 14 calendar days from the day on which the User or a third party authorized by the User, other than the carrier, acquired the material possession of the goods purchased on the ZALLO Website or in the event that the goods making up your order are delivered separately, 14 calendar days from the day the User or a third party authorized by the User, other than the carrier, acquired the material possession of the last of those goods that made up the same purchase order, or in the case of a service contract, 14 calendar days from the day of the conclusion of the contract.
To exercise this right of withdrawal, the User must notify his decision to ZALLO. He may do so, where appropriate, through the contact spaces provided on the Website.
The User, regardless of the means it chooses to communicate its decision, must clearly and unequivocally express that it is its intention to withdraw from the purchase contract. In any case, the User may use the model withdrawal form that ZALLO makes available as part attached to these Conditions, however, its use is not mandatory.
In order to comply with the withdrawal period, it is sufficient that the communication unequivocally expressing the decision to withdraw is sent before the expiry of the withdrawal period.
In case of withdrawal, ZALLO will reimburse the User all payments received, including shipping costs (with the exception of additional costs chosen by the User for a shipping method other than the least expensive method offered on the Website) without undue delay and, in any case, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which ZALLO is informed of the decision to withdraw by the User.
ZALLO will reimburse the User using the same payment method used by the User to make the initial purchase transaction. This refund will not generate any additional cost to the User. However, ZALLO may withhold such refund until it has received the products or items of the purchase, or until the User provides proof of the return of the same, depending on which condition is met first.
The User may return or send the products to ZALLO at: Polígono de Landabaso s/n, 48370, Bermeo, Bizkaia, Spain.
And it shall do so without undue delay and, in any event, no later than 14 calendar days from the date on which ZALLO was informed of the withdrawal decision.
The User acknowledges knowing that he/she shall bear the direct cost of return (transport, delivery) of the goods, should any be incurred. In addition, he/she shall be liable for any diminished value of the products resulting from handling other than that necessary to establish the nature, characteristics and functioning of the goods.
The User acknowledges that there are exceptions to the right of withdrawal, as stated in Article 103 of Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, which approves the revised text of the General Law for the Protection of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws. By way of example, and not exhaustively, this would be the case of: personalized products; products that may deteriorate or expire quickly; music or video CDs/DVDs without their packaging, as sealed at the factory; products that for reasons of hygiene or health are sealed and have been unsealed after delivery.
In the same sense governs the provision of a service that the User could hire on this Website, as this same law states that the right of withdrawal will not assist Users when the provision of the service has been fully executed, or when it has begun, with the express consent of the consumer and user and with the recognition on his part that he is aware that, once the contract has been fully executed by ZALLO, he will have lost his right of withdrawal.
In any case, no refund will be made if the product has been used beyond the mere opening of the product, of products that are not in the same condition in which they were delivered or that have suffered any damage after delivery.
Likewise, the products must be returned using or including all their original packaging, instructions and other documents that may accompany them, as well as a copy of the purchase invoice.
In the following link you can download the Model of withdrawal form
Return of defective products or shipping error
These are all those cases in which the User considers that, at the time of delivery, the product does not conform to what was stipulated in the contract or purchase order, and that, therefore, should contact ZALLO immediately and let it know the existing non-conformity (defect / error) by the same means or using the contact details provided in the previous section (Right of Withdrawal).
The User will then be informed on how to proceed with the return of the products, and these, once returned, will be examined and the User will be informed, within a reasonable period of time, whether to proceed with the refund or, if applicable, the replacement of the same.
The refund or replacement of the product will be made as soon as possible and, in any case, within 14 days from the date on which we send you an e-mail confirming the refund or replacement of the non-conforming item.
The amount paid for those products that are returned because of a defect, when it actually exists, will be refunded in full, including delivery charges and costs incurred by the User to make the return. The refund will be made by the same means of payment that the User used to pay for the purchase.
In any case, the rights recognized in the legislation in force at any time for the User, as a consumer and user, shall always apply.
The User, as a consumer and user, enjoys guarantees on the products that can be purchased through this Website, in the terms legally established for each type of product, responding ZALLO, therefore, for the lack of conformity of the same that is manifested within two years from the delivery of the product.
In this sense, it is understood that the products are in accordance with the contract provided that: they conform to the description made by ZALLO and possess the qualities presented therein; are suitable for the uses to which products of the same type are normally intended; and present the usual quality and performance of a product of the same type and that are fundamentally expected of it. When this is not the case with respect to the products delivered to the User, the User must proceed as indicated in the section Return of defective products or error in shipment. However, some of the products that are marketed on the Website, could present non-homogeneous characteristics as long as these derive from the type of material with which they have been manufactured, and therefore will be part of the individual appearance of the product, and will not be a defect.
On the other hand, it could be the case that the User acquires on the Website a product of a brand or manufactured by a third party. In this case, and considering the User that it is a defective product, the User also has the possibility of contacting the brand or manufacturer responsible for the product to find out how to exercise its legal warranty rights directly against them during the two years following the delivery of such products. In order to do so, the User must have kept all the information regarding the warranty of the products.